(re)discover your natural RHYTHM
“The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature.”
—Joseph Campbell
Natural rhythm is natural law. Existence is an experience of entrainment—the natural condition of the universe being in perfect harmony. When we are in our natural rhythm, we exist in harmony with who we are, what we want, and how we connect to our life.
As humankind traversed time from hunter-gatherer societies through industrialization and into the technological advancements of the past century, an incremental disconnect between nature and the people has occurred. Each stage of human innovation and corresponding ‘tuning out’ from the natural world and her rhythms fostered an individual ‘tuning out’ from the self. When we become aware of and connect to the under current of cycles and rhythms in the world, we get the opportunity to ‘tune back IN’ to our own innate rhythms and live a life of compassion, gratitude, and reciprocity.
The time is now to (re)discover your natural RHYTHM!
Co-creative experiences that guide individuals to reunite with their natural rhythm. RHYTHM inspires participants to connect with their inner-voice and the cycles of the natural world to build lifestyle rhythms grounded in play, wonder, trust, and forgiveness.
Medicine Drum Dreaming | Journey Inward to Awareness
Guided by the ancient wisdom of the Medicine Drum’s healing heartbeat, this transformative practice of InnerStanding invites you to reconnect with the rhythms of the Earth and Spirit planes, restoring balance and harmony within yourself.
Drum Dreaming opens a doorway into the heart-space, where you can access original states of consciousness and align with the universal cycles that shape your life. Through guided breathwork, meditative drum journeys, and reflective practices, you will:
Relax into a receptive state.
Follow the drumbeat into the Dreaming to connect with guiding energies and wisdom.
Explore insights and symbols that bring clarity and alignment to your journey.
Integrate your experience with grounding Earth Medicine.
Rediscover balance, gain clarity, and deepen your connection to life’s natural rhythms. Begin your Journey Inward to Awareness today and experience the restorative power of the Medicine Drum. Facilitated by Jordanna Anawalt
Online Course | $249
Individual Session | By Appointment - Connect with us!
Tribal TranscenDANCE™ | Movement as Medicine
A space to FEEL. A space to HEAL. A space to TRANSCEND.
An indigenous inspired dance ceremony that (re)connects us to spirit-based communication and healing wisdoms across cultures and timelines. Trance dancing dates back thousands of years and has been adapted to modern times as a space to explore and expand into the original states of consciousness through free movement just as our ancient ancestors once did. Through the gateway of active breathwork and deliberate darkness, we enter the Dreaming; eyes covered in a bandana surrounded by Tribe, we dance.
Dance reminds us of the indigenous wisdom is Movement is Medicine; and the practice of trance dance is held in an intentionally curated environment to fully support the dancer as they travel deeply inwards to find and unearth aspects of self/existence that rest beneath the surface of conscious awareness. An interplay of four congruent components–Conscious Intention | Active Breathwork | Darkness | Free Movement to Sound–creates an unparalleled opportunity to let go of the tension and density which the Mind-Body-Heart-Spirit collect as a result of the modern human lifestyle. Surrendering to the darkness and tapping into your other senses is an act of courage and supports your trust of self and community. This release can be experienced fully, in a space of raw vulnerability without any filters or fear of judgement as no one is watching you. As the dancer, you hold the power to move and express in whatever way you wish as your whole BEing responds to the soundscape and your altered senses. It is a total immersion into the YOU dance of the present moment.
Workshop | 4 hours | 2025 Events TBA
Honor ancient wisdom, connect deeply with your own spirit, and birth a powerful instrument of healing and transformation.
Remember Your Rhythm | Medicine Drum Birthing
Discover the transformative power of the Medicine Drum in this 2-day in-person workshop. For centuries, Indigenous cultures have used the drum’s rhythmic heartbeat to connect with the spirit world, harmonize with Earth’s natural rhythms, and promote healing. The repetitive frequency of drumming induces a meditative state, synchronizing brainwaves with the drum’s vibration to reduce stress, enhance focus, and facilitate emotional and energetic release.
Through guided Drum Dreaming journeys, you’ll explore these ancient practices while creating your own sacred drum. This workshop weaves personal intention with ancestral wisdom, offering a unique opportunity to craft a powerful tool for healing, transformation, and spiritual alignment. Honor this timeless tradition and bring the restorative energy of the drum into your life.
Offered in a Group or Individual format.
Sacred Spirit Shaker | Medicine Rattle Birthing
Immerse yourself in the sacred art of crafting a medicine rattle during this transformative in-person workshop. Guided by ancient traditions, you will create your own rattle while exploring its deep connection to Indigenous practices. For thousands of years, medicine rattles have been used by Indigenous peoples for healing, prayer, ceremony, and as tools to shift energy, call in guidance, and restore balance.
Through guided Drum Dreaming journey practices, you’ll travel into your heart to connect with the energies of the Earth and Spirit planes. These journeys will weave personal insight and intention into your rattle, transforming it into a sacred tool imbued with meaning and purpose.
Offered in a Group or Individual format.